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For example, I wanted to buy a house like I mentioned a short time ago. At one point I saw a place that was still under construction, I wanted to come in and ask how much it cost. Dec. When I entered the building that day, there was no one there but him. I immediately went inside and he approached me in an extremely polite way, he said, ‘here,’ I don’t know why he said that to me, but there was something strange in me. I felt like I had been waiting for this man for a long time. Because I really liked his kindness to me, and then I went inside to see the construction, and then I wanted to get the guy’s number with an excuse, and he gave it to me. A few days passed after I got the guy’s number, and without waiting any longer, I called, and then we became friends with him. Dec.

Added on: September 25, 2022